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Free Meditations

Spiritual Contracts Class 

Monday, October 25, 2021
8-9:30 pm CST
Replay Available Afterwards

How are you getting into spiritual contracts, and how can you clear them? How can you protect yourself? Many times we can sign contracts without realizing it. This class will discuss the basics of spiritual contracts, and will include a guided meditation to help you clear them.


Free Meditations

Below are free guided meditations to assist you in shifting your energy.   Some of the meditations ask you to keep your eyes closed, and gently roll your eyes upwards, like you are looking up at the top of your head. This accesses deeper brainwaves, closer to those when you are sleeping, allowing your intentions to be more powerful.  

Here is more information to help your manifesting:

Guided Meditation to Reset your Soul ~ Golden Crystalline Energy
Click here to play or download.
One way of being safe is to connect directly to the Greatest Positive Power in the Universe and take charge of your spiritual agreements.  Before beginning, also think of any areas you'd like to request resetting in, and any people you'd like to request healing for.
  • This meditation resets your soul and is a starting point to reset all your agreements with the Universal Source.
  • Your energy will be cleared, and
  • You will begin examining areas where you are giving consent that you may not want to, asking:  "Where am I consenting or allowing myself to be harmed that I may not be consciously aware of?"
If you feel you need deeper work, you can buy the meditation: Resetting your Spiritual Agreements, Soul Level Decisions, Personal Compacts, Gifts, and Visitors through the Universal Source.


Calling Forth a Solution
This meditation will assist you in calling forth a solution from the Universal Source / God / Greatest Positive Power in the Universe.  This is the basic technique I used in systembusting Mas Sajady and dark energy in general.

Before beginning:  

  • Think of an area you'd like to call forth a solution for
  • Write down a list of your preferences for the solution (writing out your intentions will make them stronger. Also, your preferences matter as part of the solution, since you are part of the formula already.)
  • Write down the names of anyone you'd like to name in prayer.

"The meditation was amazing, a very high energy.  I had a very grounded and light night." 
-- TS, New York City

Divine Solution for an Animal Meditation
Click here to play or download.  (14 minutes)
This  meditation will help you find a solution for an animal that may need a home or healing, or a situation in the animal kingdom where you would like to lend your spiritual assistance. You will be a conduit for a healing solution, which will transmit out to the physical dimension.  Before beginning, think of your preferences for the solution.

Divine Answers Meditation
Click here to play or download.  (14:08)
Join us as we call upon the Source, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Christ and others to assist us in receiving Divine Answers. A channelled message from Mother Mary, through Natalie Glasson, will be shared, and a command to program your subconscious mind to automatically find solutions will be given during the meditation.

New Configurations for a Healthy Life
This meditation calls upon the Source, many assisting Angels, and Christ, to send upwards to the Light areas you would like to name for healing or shift. From there, the energy is sent out to the planet for healing and growth, and back to you as supportive light to assist you in manifesting your creations. Thank you for your contribution to healing the planet.
  • Before beginning think of 3 areas you would like to name for healing and shift: one  area in your personal life, one area in the nation, and one area around the globe.

Daily Cleansing Meditation
Click here to play or download.  (10 minutes)
(Recorded live, so the sound quality isn't as high.)  This process was recorded live with my crystal bowl in the background.  The medidation can be played daily to cleanse your aura and energy field.  We breathe in a variety of pastel colors into the chakras, ask the angels and guides to cut and cleanse all cords you your energy field, and place the following command:
  • Universal Source, show me the Source-Created Solution in all dimensions for placing a protective layer of light around myself and my life, and for clearing and releasing all energies not directly appointed by the Source to be here, known and unknown,and replacing them with divinely appointed energies in infinite time. Thank you, it is done.

Releasing Non-Light / Alien Contracts Meditation 
Click here to play or download.  (8 minutes)
(Recorded live so sound quality isn't as high.)  This meditation was recorded ror a client who had come to a group who needed extra help clearing, you can hear my crystal bowl in the background.  If you too feel you have spiritual contracts with non-light entities, this meditation will help clear that. In this brief meditation we will call upon the Source, Christ, the Overseers of the Angels, the Star Nations of the Light, the Buddhas, the Elohim, the Archangels, the Chohans (Keepers) of the Rays, the Ascended Masters, Others of Christ Consciousness to support you as you make the following command:
  • Universal Source, show me the Source-Created Solution for revoking any and all alien contracts in me and in my family, and resetting them through the Source if I consciously agree; and releasing any sense of violation or fear with such contract, in all dimensions, in infinite time. Thank you it is done.
Resetting contracts through the Central Source will erase any contracts with what can be called "dark light contributors" (contributors that are not fully of the light), although you are free to re-choose them at any point. In fact, you may unconsciously do so, so it may be recommended to play this a few times for you to get used to the new energy. There may be some contracts that are more deeply rooted that will need more attention to clear. You can use the Divine Answers meditation to guide you to the next step for whatever may need to be cleared from you.

Placing the Intention for Success Meditation 
Click here to play or download.  (11:49)
(Recorded live, so the sound quality isn't as high.)  This guided meditation was recorded live with my crystal bowl in the background.  In the meditation we call upon the Universal Source to assist you in releasing old beliefs about failure, and replacing them with success beliefs.

Energizing your Intentions with a Pyramid Meditation
Click here to play or download. (10:41)
This guided meditation will lead you through a brief process to energize an intention you would like manifest with a pyramid. For this meditation, it is suggested to use a pyramid that is yours, or is being used for lightworking purposes. This process will Christen your pyramid, or initiate it in light.

(If you intend to use a pyramid that is not directly under your influence, and open to many other influences, such as an Egyptian pyramid, it will require cleansing before your intention will receive all the benefit of that particular pyramid. If you want to cleanse a public pyramid, you can use the Meditation to Clear Energy below, then use this meditation. You would generally need to cleanse a public pyramid each time before you use it.)

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"The conference call meditation was amazing. I am anxious to attend the next one."

~ Christy, Sedona, AZ
"First time I heard of a conference call meditation, much less participated. It was really cool. Super enjoyed it. More!"  

~ Linda, Santa Fe, NM

"Thank you very much for the awesome meditation and the very helpful insight." 

~ Kathleen M, Eagan, Minnesota

1 comment:

  1. I meditate once in a while to rest my mind and to become more focused on my work.


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