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Easy Fix to Remineralize Sensitive Teeth: Alkalinizing your Body with Minerals

Do you have sensitive teeth? Are you avoiding eating oranges or vinegar? If this sensitivity is the result of exposed dentin (which lies beneath the enamel) – that can be reversed.  You can be eating grapefruit and vinaigrettes once again.

A dental hyigenist  once told me that the dentin in your teeth can be regrown, but most people eat too acidic of a diet to allow the dentin to grow back (think salt, vinegar, tomatoes...).  Apparently enamel can also be regrown.

Alkalinizing your body along with vital minerals will work to grow back the dentin, also called remineralization. Your teeth can demineralize just as easily as remineralize, so you need to continue your protocol to keep your teeth remineralized. 

If you need a quick fix:

Make two up spraybottles of  1.5% food grade hydrogen peroxide and alkaline minerals (approximately 1/2 tsp. minerals per cup).  Then spray your mouth frequently throughout the day.  The peroxide will help alkalinize your mouth, and the minerals will be absorbed by your teeth.  (Vitamin D and supplementing minerals your teeth need are also very helpful). This spraybottle combination is also good for beating colds.  In fact one winter where I was frequently getting colds, I started doing this to reverse my colds (it works) along with vitamins C and D -- and I found I was eating oranges once again after a few weeks of spraybottle use.


There are a few main elements which help in remineralizing your teeth:
  • Alkalinize your body
  • Ample minerals (such as in bone broths, or in supplement forms that are easily absorbed by the body, calcium and phosphorus are particularly helpful here).
  • Ample fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and healthy oils .
  • Ample healthy fats (seafood, fish oils, meats, butter, coconut oil, avocado, omega-3 oils; monounsaturated fats not heated to high levels -- olive, sunflower, sesame, flax, peanut, safflower) .
  • Get sunlight (Great source of vitamin D, and children who got full spectrum light have fewer cavities).
  • Limit starches and sugars (My dentist said that if you don't eat carbohydrates -- you won't get cavities. This is the best way to minimize bacteria which consume the sugars and form acids that eat away at the enamel).
  • Consume cheese (Studies show that cheese helps remineralize teeth. In France this is the last dish of formal cuisine if dessert is omitted)  .
  • Consume beneficial bacteria (According to various studies, beneficial bacteria inhibit cavity-causing bacteria and produce phytase, which breaks down phytic acid. Pro-biotics also help prevent disease and build your immune system) .
  • Go phytic-acid free (no grains beans, or nuts; phytic acid leeches minerals your teeth need from your body).


  1. ALKALINIZE YOUR BODY:  Via Diet, Peroxide, or Alkaline Minerals

The primary element to reversing sensitive teeth and regrowing dentin is to alkalinize your body.  When your saliva is alkaline – the dentin in your teeth can actually grow back. When your saliva is acidic – the dentin cannot regrow, and along with the enamel it is actually eaten away by the acids you eat and which are formed by bacteria that consume the sugars.  There are a few different ways you can alkalinize your body.

Alkalinizing via Diet

You can alkalinize your body simply by what you eat. Some foods create an acidic environment in your body, such as meats, dairy, soymilk, sugar, coffee, tobacco, oils, most grains including rice and whole wheat.  Prescription medications, stress, lack of sleep, toxins can also acidify your body.

Some foods help alkalinize your body:  Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, tofu.  You can find an extensive list of alkaline and acid-forming foods at this page.

Lemon, while very acidic, actually becomes alkaline when digested.  Raw apple cider vinegar, such as Bragg's (non-pasteurized and with the mother), does the same thing.  But they are both hard on your enamel and sensitive dentin, and should be drunk with a straw when your teeth are sensitive.  I also read once that acidic foods like orange juice soften your enamel, so you should wait 30 minutes after eating them before brushing your teeth, otherwise brushing will wear off some of your enamel.

Alkalinizing via Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide will alkalinize your body, and also helps reverse colds when used as a spray on a sore throat.  A farmer I once knew told me how the peroxidation of their well healed his mother of cancer.  (Be sure and use food grade, as it has no chemical stablizers.)  Read more here.

Alkalinizing via Alkaline Minerals

Alkaline minerals are a gentler way to alkalinize your body, and they do two things:  They alkalinize and also provide the minerals you need to recalcify your teeth. 

Trace minerals are also said to help leg cramps, and may help with headaches.

If you're in a stitch and want something to alkalinize your water right away, you can use baking soda (which does contain sodium).  You can also temporarily use Borax, which contains mined boron.  Studies have shown that boron also offers natural healing for tooth decay, arthritis, osteoporosis, candida, and more. 

Experiment and see what your body likes, perhaps start with an 1/4 tsp. in a gallon of water and notice how your body responds.  Buy pH test strips for water and do some experimenting.  If you consume too much, you will tend to become very thirsty for several days while the minerals clear out of your body.  

Out of the various companies I researched, Health Ranger is the only company I found that purity tests their products:  Every production lot is laboratory tested via mass spectrometry for purity, potency and the avoidance of toxic heavy metals such as lead or cadmium.  It is well known about the heavy metal contamination in seawater.  Health Ranger products are:
  • Glyphosate-tested
  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher and Halal Certified
  • Laboratory Verified
  • China Free
Their trace minerals are derived from concentrated mineral brine from the Great Salt Lake in Utah. These are just a few of the minerals each drop contains:
  • Calcium: Building block for healthy bones and teeth
  • Magnesium: Responsible for the body's enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and generally important for normal body function (including relaxed muscles and healthy sleep!) 
  • Phosphorous: Supports bone and joint health 
  • Selenium: Helps support a healthy immune system
  • Potassium: Bolsters healthy sensory functions; essential for heart health 
  • Manganese: Supports glowing, healthy skin, nails and hair. 
The below elements are all found in trace quantifies in the Great Lake minerals:


πŸ₯•HEALTH RANGER: 8 oz, makes approx 118 gallons of water

πŸ₯•HEALTH RANGER: 24 oz, makes approx 354 gallons of water

Trace Minerals Research / Concentrace is another brand of Great Salt Lake minerals, but they are not purity tested.



I like this company, they are a family-owned business, and they focus on selling natural and organic products, which do not contain aluminum, fillers, artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs etc.  I bought some of their products to test them out, and I like them. You get alot of minerals for your money.  But it appears they do not purity test their products, and it's unclear where they are sourced from.

This item will add calcium, potassium, and phosphate to your diet in a way that your body can absorb.  For those of you whose bodies crave phosphorus, this product will fill that niche.  My body really likes this mix.

This product contains minerals from dehydrated sea water. They also add some vitamin C and D.  I like it, but the company doesn't specify where the sea water is from, and like I said, they don't appear to purity test.  I found my body didn't like it so much, and there may be some metallic residue.

This is one of the elements commonly found in baking powder.  Baking powder also often contains monocalcium phosphate. If you find you're craving things like baking powder biscuits, items made with baking powder, or Coke -- you may be craving phosphorus.


Phytic acid is found just about everywhere:  Grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, some fruits and vegetables.  The body converts phytic acid to phytates.  Phytates then bind the minerals your body needs, leeching them out of your body:  Calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper.  This is called demineralization, and it weakens your teeth and bones by removing these minerals from them.

People who consume large amounts of phytic acid (most Americans) have higher rates of tooth decay, mineral deficiencies, and osteoporosis.

The phytase enzyme breaks down phytates.  Studies show that human body doesn't produce very much of it, but when exposed to foods with phytic acid it may produce more.

The effects of phytic acid can be mitigated by soaking or sprouting foods, or when eaten with animal fats containing vitamins D and A.  There are also studies that suggest that phytic acid is actually healthy, because it can fight off colon cancer and breast cancer, and can help with other issues such as kidney stones, blood glucose levels, and inflammation.
However, here's a little secret that will allow you to eat phytic acid foods without too much issue:  Consume healthy gut bacteria with your meals, these bacteria can produce phytase for you
If you want to experiment with adding πŸ₯•phytase to your diet, here is a supplement that contains phytase. (When I researched supplements, they all had multiple enzymes in them.  This product has 8 enzymes, some manufacturers have a dozen or more.  I was unable to find just phytase unless you're buying from a manufacturer by the kg.) 
Use code BBF4037 for 5% off


There is another option to going phytic-acid free:  You can enjoy probiotic foods with your meals instead. Some strains of common bacteria produce phytase. Pro-biotics also help prevent cavities, disease, and build your immune system, so they are highly recommended either way. 

Studies show that gut bacteria such as Lactobacillus can produce phytase, which breaks down phytates.  One study found that Lactobacillus strains had higher phytate-degrading activity than Bifidobacterium strains.  Another study found that the strain Lactobacillus amylovorus produced the highest amounts of phytase.  There are thousands of strains of Lactobacillus.  It is very likely then that many strains of bacteria can help degrade phytates.

So to help remineralize your teeth (and keep them that way), if you eat foods with phytic acid, accompany them with probiotic bacteria.

The best options for probiotic bacteria are high-quality yogurt or pro-biotic fermented juices.  Fermented juices have fermented the sugars in the juice into healthy bacteria (not wine or vinegar).  They are easy to make on your own, and a tasty addition to meals.  (Capsule forms of probiotics are generally not as potent, and they may or may not have survived by the time they reach your home.) 

Among yogurts, organic varieties are typically cultivated better. Cheap mainstream yogurts often do not have that high of a bacterial count or much variation among bacterial strains (and they are often loaded with sugar). The tub below of Nancy's Organic Yogurt lists 8 different strains of lactobacillus and 3 strains of bifidobacteria.  (Lactobacilli strains are named L. Strain name.)

Note to raw apple cider vinegar fans:  Raw cider vinegar may help alkalinize your body,  but I wasn't able to find any information showing that the acetobacter  bacteria, commonly used to ferment cider, produces phytase. 

Nancy's OrganicYogurt features 8 different strains of lactobacillus and 3 strains of bifidobacteria.

Beneficial Bacteria Inhibit Cavity-Causing Bacteria

Another benefit to probiotics is that they inhibit the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.  Several clinical studies have demonstrated that regular consumption of yogurt, milk or cheese containing probiotics led to a decrease in the number of cavity causing bacteria in the saliva and a reduction in dental plaque.  The results to date suggest that probiotics could be useful in preventing and treating oral infections, including cavities, periodontal disease and halitosis.  

Stonyfield Yogurt features 5 strains: S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, Bifidus and L. paracasei.

So Delicious coconut yogurt features 7 strains of bacteria, but it uses dipotassium phosphate, a cheap and inorganic form of calcium, which helps to bulk out tablets. It is not well absorbed and used by the body.

Beneficial Bacteria Protect your Teeth

Researchers have found detailed information about how various probiotic strains actually inhibit the harmful bacteria behind cavities and peridontitis.  

Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus are associated with cavities, and S. Mutans produces lactic acid which decays the teethPorphyromonas gingivalis is associated with peridontitis. Several strains of good bacteria inhibit the growth of these detrimental bacteria.

Here are some of the researchers' findings:
  • L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus have a high capacity to antagonize important oral pathogens, including Streptococcus mutans (associated with cavities) and Porphyromonas gingivalis (associated with peridontitis).   
  • According to one study, children supplemented with L. rhamnosus "had significantly fewer dental caries and lower salivary counts of S. mutans."
  • One strain of L. rhamnosus and the species L. casei inhibited in vitro growth of 2 important cavity causing bacteria, S. mutans and S. sobrinus.
  • The prevalence of Lactobacillus gasseri and L. fermentum in the oral cavity was greater among healthy participants than among patients with chronic periodontitis 
  • Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus lactis are the only probiotics of the most commonly used by manufacturers that  are able to interfere with development of the cavity causing Streptococcus sobrinus. 
  • Yogurt containing S. thermophilus  and  L. bulgaricus had  selective bactericidal effects on streptococci of the mutans group.
  • Consumption of yogurt containing Lactobacillus reuteri over a period of 2 weeks reduced the concentration of S. mutans in the saliva by up to 80%. Comparable results were obtained by incorporating probiotics into chewing gum or lozenges.
  • Isolates of W. cibaria have the capacity to inhibit S. mutans and to prevent proliferation of this bacterial strain.


There is much written about how going phytic-acid free has helped people remineralize their teeth.  A diet free of phytic acid is very limited, and most people will find it hard to follow:  No grains, beans or nuts; limited fruits and starches; lots of vegetables, protein, healthy fats and bone broth. 

Nutritionist Katie Wells posted about how she eliminated phytic acid from her diet and added vitamins, minerals, healthy oils, bone broth.  She improved her dental health, reversed a forming cavity, and hasn't had any since.

In his book Cure Tooth Decay, Ramiel Nagel discusses how he reversed his and his children's dental problems via diet. He discusses who how phytic acid demineralizes the body, and makes interesting nutritional suggestions such as:  Fermented cod liver oil (for vitamin A, and the fermentation probably does improve it); butter and raw milk (for their hormonal effect on your body that he says helps the teeth remineralize).

Denstist Weston A. Price wrote in his 1939 book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration about his discovery that primitive cultures (without access to modern denstistry) had no dental problems and perfectly spaced teeth.  Price also discovered that the primitive cultures were free of the illnesses dogging Western cultures:  Arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, intestinal complaints, chronic fatigue, TB, etc. Price linked the primitive cultures' health and healthy teeth to lack of phytic acid; ample quantities of minerals and vitamins A, D, E, and K. PDF of book here.


A friend sent me this info, so I thought I'd pass it on.  Most people have heard that toothpaste can have very toxic chemicals in them. The same is true for floss: Some flosses are actually coated with Teflon, a hormone-disrupting agent that has been known to be toxic for years. The majority of floss is made from petroleum-based ingredients, which may lead to hormone disruption or oral thrush.

Here are healthier floss options:

In conclusion:  Alkalinize your body; nourish yourself with ample minerals and fat-soluble vitamins; limit starches, especially sugars; eat cheese; limit phytic acid foods if you want; and enjoy healthy doses of probiotic foods either way.

I know people this has worked for, and you can be enjoying kiwi and grapefruit once again.

Boron: Natural healing for Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Tooth Decay, Candida

The Tooth Decay Process: How to Reverse It and Avoid a Cavity

Is Low Fat Healthy?

Probiotics for Oral Health: Myth or Reality? 

Alkaline vs. Acid Forming Food Guide

Living with Phytic Acid 

Anti‐cancer function of phytic acid 

Phytic Acid: The ‘Anti-Nutrient’ Scientifically Shown To Help Your Bones And Your Health

Phytate-degrading activity of probiotic bacteria exposed to simulated gastrointestinal fluids

Lactobacillus amylovorus as a phytase producer in submerged culture 
Lactic acid excretion by Streptococcus mutans

How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth Decay

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 


    The Why & How to Alkalize Your Body

    Benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

    An overview of plant-autochthonous microorganisms and fermented vegetable foods  This article lists a few more strains of bacteria that produce phytase.


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