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Health Tips

Did you know that Vitamin C megadoses have been used to cure cancer and polio?  That fewer people in sunny states get cancer than those in the North?  That you can remineralize your teeth

Here are a few of the health secrets I've come across, cataloged for easy reading. 
I have found when I take any kind of supplements, they are more effective if I communicate with them and ask them to fulfill their highest Divine Purpose.  The molecules themselves will literally function better knowing what to do, and any components that don't work towards your health will be mitigated

Alkalinize your Body with Hydrogen Peroxide:  Clearing Colds & Cancer 
Alkalinizing your body with hydrogen peroxide has many benefits.
Peroxide works to block colds, and I know of someone given a few months to live due to cancer -- who recovered, apparently due to peroxide in her water.

Alkalinize your Body with Minerals:  Heal Sensitive Teeth 
If you've given up eating oranges and apples because of sensitive teeth -- this simple solution will having you eating your favorite acidic foods again soon.  The dentin in your teeth can even be regrown.

Back or Disc Issues
Sometimes taking collagen can help restore disc function.  It may not entirely fix the situation but you may be able to go jogging or do other things due to the collagen building what parts of hte disc it can back up.

Simple steps can somtimes eliminate bad breath.  This includees things such as just drinking more water, adding probiotics, cleansing agents such as spirulina or humic mierals.

Boron:  Natural healing for Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Tooth Decay, Candida. 
Boron is an alkaline mineral that has good antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It is a natural mineral that is mined, and used in borax. An Australian doctor found a correlation between low soil levels of boron and arthritis. He found that boron supplementation reversed arthritis, including is own. He went to medical companies to have his tablets produced -- and they conspired to have boron outlawed as a treatment in Australia.  Boron is also outlawed in Germany.   

Cravings for sweets can mean your body is hungry for vitamin C.  Try fresh fruit or supplements.  
Cravings for carbohydrates can mean your body needs protein.  For example, one slice of white bread contains 2g of protein.  You might be craving the bread just to get the protein. Studies  by Dr. Stuart Phillips have found that protein helps older people grow lean tissue mass without exercising.  
What your body actually needs is probably twice the US RDA of .4g per pound.  Dr. Phillips recommends .6-.7g of protein per pound of weight for older people.  If you weigh 150, that would be 90-105g per day.  For young body builders, for example, he would recommend .7-1g/per pound per day.
If your body is deprived of protein, you may be craving protein instead of carbs.  Try increasing your protein and see if that helps relieve some of your cravings.

DMSO and Tea Tree Oil:  Good for Boils and Some Skin Conditions
DMSO alone has been found by help a variety of conditions.  DMSO and Tea Tree Oil can be combined for various eternal applications.  The DMSO makes cells permeable to the Tea Tree Oil, which then kills the microbes it encounters.  For example, bacteria are able to wall themselves off, so your immune cells are not able to reach them to remove them.  But the DMSO makes the bacterial cell wall permeable to not only the Tea Tree Oil, but also to your immune cells, which can then go to work.

Flax Seed Oil & Cod Liver Oil Help Regrow Nervous System

My Divine Guidance told me that flax seed oil and cod liver oil help regrow and fortify the nervous system.

Garlic Reduces Likelihood of Becoming Sick
Studies have shown that raw garlic reduces the risk of becoming sick in the first place, as well as how long you stay sick. It can also reduce the severity of symptoms. Garlic appears to enhance the functioning of the immune system by stimulating certain immune system cells, such as macrophages, lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, dendritic cells, and eosinophil, by mechanisms including modulation of cytokine secretion, immunoglobulin production, phagocytosis, and macrophage activation.  The ingredient allicin is the key ingredient, but it is only available in raw garlic.  

Ginger and Turmeric Prevent Cancer
When you research ginger and turmeric, there is extensive information about their health benefits, including preventing and stopping the spread of cancer. They are both a natural antibiotics, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories with many health benefits.

Goldenseal:  Lighter Periods
Goldenseal appears to effect the hormonal system of women.  I am not sure if this effect is beneficial or detrimental. Taking a capsule or two during the days you ovulate will cause a shorter, lighter period.

Graphene Oxide
Graphene oxide will start trying to dissolve your body.  Anti-oxidants like hydrogen peroxide, a few drops in a gallon of 12-35% will help.  Also, 2 to 3 pill of Vitamin C a day will help as well.

Drinking some fermented juice will stop hiccups (you can buy it OTC or make your own).  You may be able to use apple cider vinegar.  There is an Amish Remedy (apparently not made by an Amish person) that stops hiccups.  It contains garlic juice, ginger juice, and apple cider vinegar, and can be used for leg cramps or acid reflux as well.
Immune System Boosters:  Vitalizing and Energizing  your Immune System
Here are many simple steps you can take to strengthen and boost your immune system. People have said that these simple steps have restored their health and immunity

Iodine:  Women with More Iodine Intake Have Less Breast Cancer, Men Have Less Prostate Cancer   
Most of the population is deficient in iodine.  Doctors are saying that iodine treats various forms of cancer.  Iodine has been known to reverse:  Breast and ovarian disorders (including fibrocystic conditions and cancer), liver disorders, prostate disorders thyroid disorders, eating disorders, fatigue, and many more problems. Fluoride, chlorine, and bromide push iodine out of the body, and fluoride is believed to calcify the pineal gland. 

Lead Poisoning
Vitamin C and minerals have been shown to reduce lead poisoning in humans, and they also work for pets.
Raw garlic is another way to reduce lead poisoning.  A 2012 study found that symptoms of lead poisoning among car battery workers were significantly lowered among workers who were treated with garlic compared to those who were not.  The workers were given 1.2 mg of allicin three times a day.  That's only about 1 clove of raw garlic a day.  (The amount of allicin in garlic varies by size, a medium clove having anywhere from 5-18 mg allicin).  Only raw garlic contains allicin, cooking destroys it.  Minced or crushed the clove, then let it sit for 10 minutes to allow it to release more allicin.

Leg Cramps
Drink milk or try a magnesium supplement.  There is also an Amish Remedy to stop leg cramps.  It contains garlic juice, ginger juice, and apple cider vinegar, and can be used for acid reflux as well.  Magnesium may be the key component.

Iodine supplementation or food-grade hydrogen peroxide can help lift your metabolism.  Adding the amino acid leucine (2.0 g+ per meal) and increasing protein (25g per meal) will raise your metabolism by stimulating for an hour after eating the pathway that builds more protein.

Poison Ivy Soap:  Works
This soap works, but you have to get to any exposure and wash it with the soap right away.  
It doesn't take away the blisters, but I have found it minimizes them, minimizes weeping, hastens the healing process, and takes away the itch.  In fact after washing my leg once after brushing up against poison ivy, I had forgotten about the exposure until a few days later when I noticed a slight dry rash on my leg.

The soap has jewelweed, which is the antidote.  Urushiol is the oil from the poison ivy plant that causes the rash.  The soap is made with lard, the Poison Ivy Soap Company website says that plant oils will not remove plant oils.

The Poison Ivy Soap Company doesn't appear to sell directly but lists retailers on their site.  I found the bars for sale at my local feed store for $5 a bar.  The Alt Nature Herbal Store sells a different brand of jewelweed products online, a bar of soap currently starting at $7.50 plus shipping.

Probiotics:  Easy Way to Make Delicious Pro-Biotic Fermented Juices
Probiotic fermented juices stoke your body with healthy bacteria, and also help digest any sugars you may eat. Having the right type of bacteria in your gut is very important -- because the wrong type of bacteria can not only make you fat, it can also impede your immune system, organ, and brain development. 

Quinine is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, and has been used for hundreds of years to treat various maladies. You can find quinine in small quantities in tonic water. A quart can help your immune system rid you of a cold more quickly. Quinine is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and even anti-cancer. Quinine works by making the cells permeable, allowing nutrients like zinc to enter the cells, where it then helps take down the microbe.

Quinine in Tonic Water Fights Corona Virus:  The Zinc Connection  
Chloroquine has been touted to treat corona virus. It is a variant of quinine, which is contained in tonic water.  Quinine and chloriquine transport zinc into your cells, which then blocks viruses from replicating.   Apparently nurses are giving tonic water to their corona virus patients.   Zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system, and also helps prevent blindness due to macular degeneration.

Sea Salt and Baking Soda Reduce Radiation in your Body
Sea salt draws the radiation out of the body.   Baking soda also neutralizes radiation, and the US military has used baking soda to neutralize radioactivity. Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium. If you were diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer and you were subjected to deadly radiation treatments gargling with baking soda mixed in water will help neutralize the radiation.  The amino acid, cysteine also protects against the damaging effects of radiation by terminating the free radicals produced by ionizing radiation.  

Stevia:  Endocrine Disruptor
I used to use stevia as a natural sugar substitute.  But I have since found out it is an endocrine disruptor (as are all other sugar substitutes, such as aspartame).  Your endocrine system is too important part of your overall well being to interfere with, so I no longer use it.  Instead I have been using coconut sugar, which is low glycemic.  According to one study stevia has anti-cancer properties.  It also has  anti-biotic properties, which may help if needed, but also may result in decreasing beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Stiffness in  your joints and muscles can be as simple as needing more exercise.  The exercise stimulates the activity of your body's systems, which can then more effectively clear out leftovers and toxins.  Those leftovers can cause stiffness.

Stomach Flu
"Stomach flu" is more often a form of food poisoning or the wrong gut bacteria in the body.  Probiotics can help turn the tide.  Drink fermented probiotic juices such as kevita or eat yogurt.  In addition, vinegar kills harmful bacteria.  Dr. Jarvis, who recommended raw apple cider vingar, got in the habit of keeping a bottle with him and putting it on food when he went out.  At a picnic he and his wife used it -- and never got sick. but everyone else did.  (Note that raw apple cider vinegar is initially acidic, but is metabolized to alkaline in the body, so it does not create excess acid like refined vinegar does.)

Sunlight Heals: Indoor Lighting Can Cause Infertility, Endocrine Disruption, Aggression & Many Health Problems 
Being exposed to a limited spectrum of light (as often happens in indoor lighting) can disrupt the endocrine system, cause infertility, affect moods, create aggression, raise cholesterol levels, cause jaundice, and many other problems.

Vitamin C Megadoses:  Cured Polio, Pneumonia, MS, Some Cancers, Chronic Fatigue, High Cholesterol, Schizophrenia, and Many Other Health Issues
Dr. Klenner researched vitamin C in the 1940s and had incredible success with intravenous megadoses, including curing polio patients who were paralyzed -- who were now able to walk again.

Vitamin D: Prevents Over a Dozen Diseases and Conditions, Including Cancer and Colds
Vitamin D prevents over a dozen high-profit diseases and health conditions.  For example, women in the Southern US have over half as much breast cancer as those in the North.  People suffering from cancer almost always demonstrate severe vitamin D deficiency, as do people with osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis.

Wheat:  Eat Wheat Again!  Delicious Ancient-Grain Wheat (Non-GMO)  
This wheat goes back thousands of years, and has never been genetically modified. It's delicious!   This ancient form of wheat does not spike your glucose levels, and people allergic to wheat have been able to tolerate ancient wheat just fine.  Research has tied modern wheat to a variety of conditions:  Heart attacks, Celiac Disease, Liver disease, Autoimmune diseases (such as MS, rehumatoid arthritis, Hashmoto's thyroiditis), Connective tissue diseases (such as lupus), Asthma, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes, Ataxia, Irritable bowel syndrome, Acid reflux, Skin rashes, Psychological impairments, such as schizophrenia

The Zinc Connection:  Quinine in Tonic Water Fights Corona Virus  
Zinc is vital for a healthy immune system, and also helps prevent blindness due to macular degeneration. Zinc deficiency has been tied to immune system problems, prostate enlargement, and stunted brain development in infants if zinc was deficient during pregnancy. Chloroquine has been touted to treat corona virus. It is a variant of quinine, which is contained in tonic water. Quinine and chloriquine transport zinc into your cells, which then blocks viruses from replicating. Apparently nurses are giving tonic water to their corona virus patients.


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