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Women with More Iodine Intake Have Less Breast Cancer, Men Less Prostate Cancer

Iodine Prevents and Treats Breast Cancer

Recently a friend gave me the book Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without Itby David Brownstein, MD.  At first, non-plussed, I flipped through a few pages, figuring it was another manual on the cure-all effects of a particular nutrient.  Soon I found I was actually impressed by the points that the author was making, and the research he was presenting.   

Brownstein reports that Japanese women get far less breast cancer than American women -- and they consume far more iodine.   Japanese men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.   Japan has the highest dietary intake of iodine (13 mg per day), and the lowest rates for goiter and breast cancer.  However, when Japanese women immigrate and change dietary intake of iodine to the lower 0.15 mg/day in America, breast cancer rates increase. 

In general, 1 out of 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  In Japan only 1 out of every 38 women gets cancer.

In his book Dr. Brownstein  discusses how iodine deficiency is linked to many disorders affecting the glands in the body:
  • Cancer:  Breast, Thyroid, Ovarian and Uterine 
  • Breast and ovarian cysts and fibrosis
  • Liver disorders
  • Prostate disorders
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Eating disorders
  •  ADHD
  • Autism
  • Weak immune system
  • Fatigue, cold extremities, dry skin (including cracked heels), brain fog, migraines, hair loss, and more.

Spontaneous Regression of Breast Cancer After Iodine Supplementation

Brownstein says iodine supplementation has been shown to actually reverse many of these disorders, including breast cancer.  Brownstein reports three cases of spontaneous regression of breast cancer  after women took iodine supplementation.  A 2008 paper by Dr. Bernard A. Eskin showed that iodine actually altered gene expression in breast cancer cells, inducing programmed cell death of cancer cells. (p. 247)

Forms of Iodine

There are two forms of iodine:

Iodine:  Primarily used by the breasts, prostate, and reproductive systems.iodine. 
Iodide:  Primarily used by the thyroid gland and skin. 

Brownstein recommends a supplement that contain both iodine and iodide, plus selenium and vitamin B2.

I have added iodine to my diet for years, and I have noticed that it give me more energy and my body heals faster.  In this post I will cover the main points of Dr. Brownstein's research, and offer some options for iodine supplements.

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  • Most of the Population is Iodine Deficient 
  • Iodine Deficiency Creates Cancer in the Endocrine Glands
  • Iodine Displaces Toxins: Fluoride, Bromide, Chloride, Perchlorate
  • Fluoride Harms the Pineal Gland
  • Iodine Decreases Breast Cancer 
  • Edgar Cayce:  Iodine is Endocrine System Purifier 
  • Iodine is an Anti-Oxidant
  • Iodine Prevents Mice from Getting the Flu
  • Refined Salt Has Been Exposed to Toxic Chemicals
  • Natural Sources of Iodine and Iodide
  • Iodine Detoxifies the Body
  • Supplementing Iodine/Iodide

Most of the Population is Iodine Deficient

96% of a typical population is iodine deficient.  Iodine is found in every cell of the body, and is
required by all of the body’s endocrine glands that secrete hormones — breasts, ovaries, uterus, thyroid, pancreas, and prostate.  (From a spiritual perspective, my understanding is that the endocrine system is where the soul energy interfaces with the physical body and reality, so having a balanced endocrine system is vital to health on many levels.)  

Iodine Deficiency Creates Cancer in the Endocrine Glands

When there is adequate iodine, the glandular tissue appears normal.

But in early cases of iodine deficiency, glands begin to develop cysts filled with fluid.  If iodine deficiency continues, the cysts become nodular, meaning that the fluid in the sac has solidified.

Eventually, the glands go through a change in cell structure, which is a precursor to cancer. The final stage of iodine deficiency is cancer.

Brownstein says all these stages of iodine deficiency can be halted and sometimes reversed with increased iodine intake.  

Iodine Displaces Toxins:  Fluoride, Bromide, Chloride, Perchlorate

Fluoride, bromide, chorine, and perchlorate are toxic elements commonly added to many food and drug sources.  They have the effect of displacing the iodine in the body, contributing to iodine deficiency, which then leads to cancer. 

  • Fluoride:  Added to municipal water supplies, while the evidence does not really support the idea that this improves dental health.  
  • Bromide:  Found in many common items, such as pharmaceutical drugs, computers, televisions, mattresses, clothing, carpeting, draperies, pesticides, and bakery products. (Previously, iodine was added to bakery products as a dough conditioner, but it was replaced in the 1980s with bromide, which is toxic to the human body.)  
  • Chlorine:  Used to disinfect water, but there are many safer alternatives.   
  • Perchlorate:  Now contaminates a large quantity of the environment and groundwater, and it has been found in human and dairy milk.  It exists in both natural and man-made forms.

Fluoride Harms the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is also affected by fluoride.  In his book, The Source Field Investigations, David Wilcock discusses research about fluoride accumulating in the pineal gland, the resulting calcification, and correlated disorders -- such as MS, schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia, Parkinson's disease, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and more (pp. 62-66, or

Iodine Decreases Breast Cancer

Studies that show that the toxic elements fluoride and bromine are associated with the epidemic rise in breast cancer (p. 118). Fluoride and bromine lower the iodine level by displacing it from the body, which then has a difficult time maintaining the correct balance of the 3 estrogens in the body.

Edgar Cayce:  Iodine is Endocrine System Purifier

Edgar Cayce often recommended iodine in his readings.  Below is information from the Wikipedia page on atomidine, which is the elemental form of iodine..

Atomidine is a liquid iodine preparation that was recommended as a therapeutic measure in over 600 "readings" (channelled writings) by Edgar Cayce. The manufacturing method is called a "modified detoxification process" which involves a stage in which electricity is run through the substance; the result is "electrified atomic iodine", or "atomidine." The electrification is said to allow the Atomidine to continue to function as an iodine supplement — the original use of detoxified iodine — while also giving it added attributes that affect the immune system.
Cayce regarded this specially formulated “atomic” iodine as far easier to assimilate than other forms, and even gave advice regarding its preparation. According to the readings this mineral is a vital element in the makeup of the human body and is essential to the process of building new cells. It also was valued for its stimulating, balancing and purifying effect on the endocrine glands.
In order to gently stimulate the system and then give it time to adjust, Atomidine was to be taken in cycles that alternated several days of dosage with several days of rest. Many readings recommended only one drop per day for this purpose, although others increased this dose by a drop a day for several days—a regimen adopted by the A.R.E. Clinic after studying some 75 different plans. 
In these extracts from some of his readings about Atomidine he says: 
The Atomidine—that is activative in the glands, especially the thyroid, the adrenal and all the ductless activities through the atomic forces in iodine, the one basic force with potash—makes for a balance throughout the functionings of the body itself (636-1). 
Within a few weeks…the system will be changed, and also the vibrations through the glandular forces that control the lymph circulation in alimentary canal as well as organs of the pelvis…the Atomidine acts as a gland purifier—causing especially the thyroids and the glands of the stomach, particularly the pyloric portion of the stomach and throughout the duodenum, to change in the form of secretions thrown off—and this affects directly the circulation (3104-1). 
(More information about iodine in Edgar Cayce readings here.)
Iodine is an Anti-Oxidant

Brownstein mentions that iodine also works as an anti-oxidant, and supports the immune system's functioning, even more so than vitamin C.  He says taking vitamins B2 and B3 support the uptake of iodine.  Selenium is important for activating the thyroid hormone, and small doses may be helpful for certain people (100-200 micrograms/day).

Iodine Prevents Mice from Getting the Flu

Iodine can help the immune system in blocking colds.  A 1945 study found that putting iodine the noses of mice prevented the mice from being infected with live influenza virus in mists.

    Refined Salt Has Been Exposed to Toxic Chemicals

    It is best to purchase unrefined salt, as refined salt has had all its minerals removed and been exposed to toxic chemicals to give it its white color (p. 43).   Brownstein says that unrefined salt helps rid the body of bromine, and that he has actually found it impossible to lower bromine levels if they don't consume unrefined salt (p. 213).

    Iodized salt has a very small quantity of iodide, in a form which is poorly absorbed by the body. 

    Natural Sources of Iodine and Iodide

    Natural sources of iodine include seaweed, some seafish, and plants grown in iodine-rich soil. 
    For years I have mixed powdered kelp with unrefined or rock salt.  The midwest has been nicknamed the "goiter belt" -- as there are typically very low iodine levels in the soil.  Kelp contains iodine, but I haven't been able to determine if it also includes iodide.  Depending on where it's grown, all seaweed can contain arsenic, heavy metals, or other contaminants.  I recently came across a package of dulse, a type of seaweed, that said they test for contaminants.  

    Iodine Detoxifies the Body

    Once people start on iodine, there can be a detoxification phase, as bromine and fluoride are washed out of the body.  It may be helpful to begin in small quantities, and slowly raise the intake level to minimize any physical symptoms that may appear.

    A friend of mine who has been taking the iodine supplement for 3 months says this is working for her, she is feeling much better and has discontinued 3 pharmaceutical medications she was taking.

    I just started taking an iodine supplement, and the next morning I woke up crisp and clear. My metabolism is up, my energy level is up. I can go all day, without feeling exhausted at the end, and I need less sleep on top of it. 
    Cuts heal much quicker as well.  I've started remembering my dreams even better.   One side effect is that it has created some minor lesions on my skin as the iodine detoxes other elements from my body.  Aside from that, I would highly recommend taking it.

    Iodine Supplements

    Iodine supplements come in tablets and drops.

    Iodine Drops

    The drop forms are often very inexpensive.  A 2% bottle only requires about 5 drops for 12.5 mg of iodine. 

    🥕 J. Crows  Lugol's drops:   Lugol’s iodine is a mixture of one part elemental iodine and two parts potassium iodide. It contains both of the benefits of potassium iodide and nascent iodine.  I have bought J. Crow's Lugol's solution for years.  Their recipe is the original formulation of iodine/iodideCompared to iodine and potassium iodide tablets, J. Crow's Lugol's Solution is far less expensive.  Drops are useful if you are giving to pets or want to put it on your skin:  Put a drop on your skin and watch how soon it is absorbed.  The more quickly it is absorbed tells you how much your body needs it. 
    Link to Check Price
    • Atomic Iodine (Nascent Iodine) This is Edgar Cayce's iodine formulation, prepared by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, which has archived all his readings and sells his preparations recommended in readings (A.R.E.,  Atomic iodine is easily absorbed into the thyroid gland, and elemental iodine appears to be the form of iodine that healthy breast tissue prefer.
    • 🥕 Heritage Store Nascent Iodine:  Made in the way that Edgar Cayce recommended.  Save 5% with this code:  
    Link to Check Price

    Iodine Tablets
    • Pure Horizon IO Plus:  Iodine/Potassium Iodide tablets, which also contain selenium and vitamin B2.  These are the most economical tablets out there, but they contain dicalcium phosphate and magnesium stearate two fillers which have no nutritional benefit and could potentially cause harm or are not well absorbed by the body.   I have used these for years, but I will be moving away from using them due to the fillers.
    • 🥕 Pure Formulas Iodoral:  Iodine/Potassium Iodide tablets.  These are made by a company that David Brownstein is connected to, they do not contain any of the above fillers.  Save 5% with this code:               
    Link to Check Price

    More Research
    • Optimox Corporation, maker of Iodoral, provides an information page here with some research and iodine intake guidelines.  They also have a page with information about iodine research.

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