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Vitamin C Megadoses Successfully Treat Cancer, Pneumonia, MS, Polio, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, High Cholesterol, Schizophrenia ...

In the 1940s Dr. Frederick Klenner was able to cure many conditions with intravenous vitamin C -- from polio to diabetes to alcoholism.  Dr. Klenner was able help paralyzed polio patients walk again!

Recently, research has been done on liposomal vitamin C, which has shown this form of vitamin C actually works better than intravenous C.    

Natural vitamin C (what you find in fruits) is the most readily absorbed form of vitamin C. However, it will take dozens of fruit to equal the megadoses you can get from vitamin C supplements. 

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  • Dr. Klenner Proves Vitamin C Cures Many Diseasees
  • Vitamin C is Selectively Toxic to Cancer Cells
  • Liposomal Vitamin C Works Better than Intravenous Vitamin C
  • Synthetic Vitamin C can Contain Toxic Residues
  • Natural Vitamin C Works the Best: Most Readily Used by Body


In the 1940s, Dr. Frederick Klenner successfully treated patients with a myriad of issues using massive doses of aggressive intravenous vitamin C.¹ Dr. Klenner actually cured paralyzed polio patients -- who were able to walk again.²

Dr. Klenner used vitamin C megadoses for over forty years of family practice. He wrote dozens of medical papers on the subject. (A complete list of them is in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, edited by Lendon H. Smith, M.D.¹)

Here are some of the conditions Klenner successfully treated with intravenous vitamin C:
    • Polio
    • Pneumonia
    • Encephalitis
    • Herpes Zoster (shingles) 
    • Herpes Simplex
    • Mononucleosis
    • Pancreatitis
    • Hepatitis
    • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
    • Bladder Infection
    • Alcoholism
    • Arthritis
    • Cancer
    • Leukemia
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Ruptured Intervertebral Disc
    • High Cholesterol
    • Corneal Ulcer
    • Diabetes
    • Glaucoma
    • Schizophrenia
    • Burns and secondary infections
    • Heat Stroke
    • Radiation Burns
    • Heavy Metal Poisoning (Mercury, Lead)
    • Venomous Bites (insects, snakes)
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Chronic Fatigue
    • Complications of Surgery
      Here is a chart showing Klenner's moderate dosages. Typically Klenner used as much as 4 times what the chart shows, which is 35,000 mg/day for the highest weight, typically by injection.
      “We’ve used massive doses of vita­mins on over 10,000 people over a period of 30 years,” said Dr. Klenner, “and we’ve never seen any ill effects from them. The only ef­fects we’ve seen have been beneficial.”

      Research has shown vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells when administered intravenously or in liposomal form in high doses. The mechanism behind vitamin C’s ability to selectively target cancer cells has to do with the generation of hydrogen peroxide, which is ultimately what kills the cancer cells

      Normal tissues remain unharmed by the high levels of hydrogen peroxide generated because healthy cells have several ways to remove it, thereby preventing buildup to toxic levels. Cancer cells have unstable iron particles (also known as redox active iron molecules), which makes them more vulnerable to oxidative damage caused by high-dose.³


      Liposomal vitamin C is made by taking the synthetic vitamin C granules (ascorbic acid) and wrapping them in a tiny fatty (lipid) layer that mimics the body's own cell structure. Researcher Dr. Thomas Levy found that this encapsulated form of vitamin C delivers more vitamin C to cells orally than even mega-doses of intravenous vitamin C.

      This is because vitamin C is water soluble, and doesn't pass as easily through the fatty cell walls of the body. On the other hand, the liposomal form of vitamin C has an exterior fatty layer that more easily permeates fatty cell walls.

      Levy found that intravenous vitamin C delivers more vitamin C into the bloodstream than orally ingesting vitamin C, but still only approximately 20% of intravenous vitamin C volume gets into cells. With liposmal vitamin C, however, approximately 90% of it permeates tissue on a cellular level.

      A New Zealand farmer who had been in a comatose state recovered when administered megadoses of intravenous vitamin C (50,000-100,000 mg per day; that would be the vitamin C from 50-100 pills of 1000mg C, or about 75+ large oranges).  When the hospital refused to continue offering megadoses of the intravenous vitamin C, he again began struggling.  Then family fed him small amounts of liposomal C (6,000 mg. per day). And he soon recovered and walked out of the hospital on his own.

      High quality liposomal products tend to cost about $1 a day for about 1000 mg of vitamin C. By comparison, it would take about 10+ large organic oranges, estimating they weigh .45 pounds each, at $2 per pound, $9 a day.
      Liquid liposomal products tend to have potassium sorbate, so here are a few capsule forms.

      This liposomal vitamin C is sustainably sourced from Scotland, and is third-party tested.   
      And use code   BBF4037   for 5% off.

      This Mercola product is not organic or purity tested. But it is very inexpensive and a reputable company. It uses lecithin as the fatty layer to wrap the C molecules, which is common.     
       And use code   BBF4037   for 5% off.


      Synthetic Vitamin C is created by taking corn starch and breaking it down with heat, enzymes, acetone, and hydrochloric acid to make ascorbic acid.⁵  Any of these chemicals can leave residues in the final product.

      However, there are synthetic products that are purity-tested. πŸ₯•Health Ranger's vitamin C is not organic, but it is purified, and a highly bioavailable form of premium Vitamin C.

      This vitamin C is created through a natural, non-GMO process of fermentation and synthesis that starts with plants as the originating source of raw materials. The type of vitamin C "synthesis" used in this product is a completely natural process that's also followed by plants which produce their own vitamin C.

      Through their donation program, they also aim to put vitamin C into the hands of people in need, no matter where they live. One of their first goals is to donate vitamin C to victims of chemotherapy and botched cancer treatments.

      This company has been censored by numerous tech monopolies who want to forbid its information about poisons in the food and medical supply. I support their mission of free speech.



      Fresh fruit is the best source of readily absorbed vitamin C.  A large orange (approximately 3" in diameter) has around 100 mg each.  Lemons, strawberries, papaya and grapefruit have more vitamin C than oranges.
      But processed fruits, such as orange juice, have little vitamin C, as vitamin C is very delicate: Heat  prolonged air exposure, and light destroys can destroy it. (But freezing does not.)  Fresh rosehips have a high amount of vitamin C.  However, most rosehips products have a low amount of vitamin C due to processing.

      Natural vitamins are sourced from plants, fruits, animals, and minerals in a way that preserves the vitamin C.  To be worthy of the label “natural” a vitamin supplement need contain only 10% plant or fruit derived ingredients.  The other 90% could very well be synthetic.⁶

      However, there are natural forms of vitamin C available, derived entirely from fruits. While these naturally-produced vitamin C supplements are less concentrated and tend to cost more, you are also getting vitamin C that is more fully absorbed by your body, and organic forms with few fewer toxic pesticides or residues.

      Many of these natural supplements also contain bioflavonoids. Studies have shown that bioflavonoids (such as from oranges or gooseberries) increase the absorption of vitamin C by as much as 35%.
      Below are some vitamin C products that are made from fruits, not ascorbic acid, and include bioflavonoids. These brands are either organic, wild harvested, or purity tested.

      The natural vitamin C supplements run about 50¢ to a dollar per 500 mg.

      By comparison, I have some large organic navel oranges here. They weigh approximately 0.45 pounds each, are approximately 2" in diameter, and cost me about $2 per pound.

      Estimating 5+ oranges would yield approximately 500 mg, that would be $4.50 per day to get the same amount of vitamin C as a natural organic supplement.

        • Made of real fruits and plant-based nutrients that cost up to 10 times more.
        • Organic ingredients: Each vegetable capsule provides 500mg of vitamin C from Organic Acerola Cherries. The supplement is also free of GMOs, soy, gluten, yeast, dairy, eggs, nuts, caffeine, coloring, preservatives, or flavoring.
        • Enhanced absorption: There are added Citrus Bioflavonoids from Organic Orange and Organic Lemon to enhance the bioavailability of vitamin C. Studies have shown that bioflavonoids increase the absorption of vitamin C by as much as 35%.
        • Improve skin health: Vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen, which prevents wrinkles on your face and may reduce signs of aging.

          Link to Check Price 


          This is made of wild-harvested camu camu and organic acerola cherries with 9 antioxidant-rich organic berries and fruits:
          • A 100% natural vitamin C free of any synthetic or corn derived ascorbic acid
          • Valuable flavonoid cofactors & antioxidants for a healthy heart & optimal cellular function
          • Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher

          Link to Check Price 

          Link to Check Price   
          And use code   BBF4037   for 5% off.

           πŸ₯• KIRKMAN LABS ORGANIC VITAMIN C  (45 servings of 500 mg)

          This product is tested for more than 950 contaminants:
            • Heavy Metals
            • Bacteria
            • Yeast
            • Mold
            • Pesticides & More...
              This vitamin C comes from an all natural gooseberry fruit extract, Phyllanthus emblica. It is corn free, while most synthetic vitamin C is sourced from corn derived ascorbic acid and may not be as well tolerated or as well absorbed as the natural form. It is also free of most common allergens including gluten and casein and is non GMO.

              Kirkman’s Organic Vitamin C contains an important added benefit in the form of non-citrus organic bioflavonoids from gooseberries. All gooseberries have reported health benefits beyond a vitamin C and bioflavonoid source including antioxidant activity. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids work synergistically to provide antioxidant activity, eye support, immune system support and to support strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

              Link to Check Price    
              And use code   BBF4037   for 5% off.
              πŸ₯• NATURE'S PLUS SOURCE OF LIFE GARDEN CERTIFIED ORGANIC VITAMIN Cature's Plus (30 servings of 500 mg)

              This vitamin C is made from over 20 organic whole foods. It includes bioflavonoids, is non-GMO, vegan, and guaranteed to be free of all major allergens.
              • Certified Organic Amla Berry, citrus fruits and acerola cherry, supplying 500 mg vitamin C in every serving
              • 2,500 Total ORAC - guaranteed antioxidant activity per serving
              • Whole Food Bioflavonoids - 100 mg from certified organic alma berry
              • Certified Organic Whole Foods - more than 20 colorful fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and more for optimal antioxidant and phytonutrient support
              • Natural Whole Food Enzymes for maximum support

              Link to Check Price    
              And use code   BBF4037   for 5% off.



              1. Did You Know That Vitamin C Can Treat Over 30 Major Diseases? 
              2. HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Pioneering Work of FREDERICK ROBERT KLENNER, M.D
              3. Vitamin C Doubles Effectiveness of Chemotherapy and Radiation  
              4. Liposomal vitamin C: More potency and less expense than IV mega-dose vitamin C
              5. Natural Vitamin C vs Synthetic Vitamin C: What's The Difference?
              6.  Vitamin C: Natural Vs Synthetic
              7. The Essential Guide to Nutritional Supplements – the Extra
              If you want to learn more about the therapeutic uses of vitamin C, the following books are recommended¹:
              • How To Live Longer and Feel Better, by Linus Pauling, Ph.D., (Freeman, 1986)
              • The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, by Irwin Stone (Putnam, 1972)
              • The Vitamin C Connection, by Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D. et al (Harper and Row, 1983)
              • Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, by Lendon H. Smith, M.D.  

              πŸ₯•Affiliate links are marked with a πŸ₯•

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