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Soft Disclosure


The notion of soft disclosure stems from the theory of hard versus soft information. "Hard" information can be proven, whereas "soft" information may contain misstatements.  This paper defines soft disclosure in business as forecasts, unaudited statements, and press releases.

In metaphysical/UFO/conspiracy circles, soft disclosure can have a few definitions.  Like the definition above, it may mean an unproven statement that may not be accurate.  More often, soft disclosure means a way of getting your consent -- without you consciously realizing it:

Simply discussing something can be a form of disclosure:  It can be a means to gain  your consent to perpetrate the same thing upon you or others.  

Using Soft Disclosure to Obtain your Consent

There appears to be a loophole in our local universe that says talking about something (ie, soft disclosure) can be sufficient for disclosing one's true agenda.  So a cult leader talking about his modus operandi in the third person -- is able to gain consent to prey upon people by simply talking about it. He's talked about it -- you've been disclosed to, even though you may not consciously realize it. This loophole allows dark entities to prey upon a naive humanity.

Here are a few examples of soft disclosure:
  • When Trump said he wanted to start a Space Force and plant an American flag on Mars on July 4, 2019 -- he was actually disclosing that there already is a Space Force and the U.S. is already on Mars.
  • When NASA admits alien life exists -- this is typically understood as disclosure of government involvement with aliens.
  • When John Brennan said talked about chemtrailing in 2016 --  he was telling you the U.S. is already doing this.
  • When USA Today wrapped its newspaper with a fake cover about "hybrid babies" with antlers to advertise a new Netflix show -- the dark agenda was disclosing this is already happening, and simultaneously anesthetizing humans to this reality by presenting this as fiction. 

Using the Disclosure Loophole

This video demonstrates how demonic guru [CENSORED] uses soft disclosure to deceptively gain consent from cult followers.  [CENSORED] discusses a  method of gaining people's trust so they can be preyed upon. [CENSORED] pretends it is other people doing this -- when he is the one doing this himself.

Video also posted at:

Here is more explanation of how cult leader [CENSORED] deviously gains consent from people via soft disclosure. This person is discussing how [CENSORED] calls out dependency on other gurus -- yet guru [CENSORED] fosters dependency on himself.

 "I had some niggling issues, some of the very ones [CENSORED] mentions in the 'dangerous devotions podcast where we depend on another guru. And I thought, well 'you too are creating this dependency', even though he says it's all about finding your space, and not needing anything else. "

What Can You Do?

Obtaining consent through soft disclosure constitutes deception. The agenda is hidden, not truthfully disclosed. However, for whatever reasons this loophole has not yet been closed.

Meanwhile, what you can do is protect your spiritual contracts, so that you are not tricked into giving consent.  You can do this on your own, or I offer guided meditations to walk you through the process.

Meanwhile, stay informed and do your research.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate, cause I found just what I was taking a look for. You've ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye gmail log in


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